Spirit Call: The Podcast with Psychic Medium Jeni Juranics

31 Fraud Follow Up Part 4: An Anonymous Message from Switzerland with Leaked Evidence

Episode Summary

In April of 2024, Jeni exposed a well known Physical Medium and Psychic Surgeon after attending the International Physical Mediumship Conference. There are 5 episodes total in this series that share much of her story. In this episode, Jeni shares how others have described meeting William, the head made of ectoplasm and how they even touched him and took photographs!

Episode Notes

In April of 2024, Jeni exposed a well known Physical Medium and Psychic Surgeon after attending the International Physical Mediumship Conference. There are 5 episodes total in this series that share much of her story.

In this episode, Jeni shares how others have described meeting William, the head made of ectoplasm and how they even touched him and took photographs! 

Please visit www.jenijuranics.com/fraud-files to view the leaked photos from Switzerland

Join the Physical Mediumship Transparency Initiative FB Group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/7813787238738577/?rdid=L6ukCDOatbKYtTqj&share_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fshare%2FuHNmXdBruKAUrFGa%2F

Buy William on Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07DWX348L/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_3?smid=A189OUCFC0NR3H&psc=1

Big Seance Podcast: https://play.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/31956487/height/192/theme/modern/size/large/thumbnail/yes/custom-color/2c2c2c/time-start/00:00:00/hide-playlist/yes/font-color/FFFFFF